Location and Misc. Info.

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Our Training Schedule

Our training is typically conducted once a week on various evenings. It is held both indoors and outdoors in nature. Our preference is to train outdoors and only train indoors when it is raining or very cold, though we have at times done so for various training. Once accepted into the dojo, we will let you know where we are training. We typically train in the Hixson area of Chattanooga.

We train in Gyokko Ryu, Koto Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Shinden Fudo Ryu, Takagi Yoshin Ryu, Togakure Ryu Ninpo, Gikan Ryu, Gyokushin Ryu, and Kumogakure Ryu, which are all schools of the Bujinkan. We also study Muso Shinden Ryu as well as Asayama Ichiden Ryu.

Below the text you will see our friend and guide, Mr. Ed Martin. He was a wonderful man with a very good and kind heart. Thank you, Papasan for helping to keep us going. "Gambatte gambatte gambatte!".

What to wear

We wear black Gi (Japanese uniforms).  However, if you have a white Gi that is servicable, please feel free to wear it until a new one is needed.  If you are new to martial arts training, please come in sweats and tennis shoes.  Should you decide that this is your thing, we will let you know where to purchase one for yourself.

Other Info.

As Dr. Hatsumi and Takamatsu Sensei have done, we conduct our training outside.  Be prepared to train in less than desirable weather; be it cold, hot, snowing or raining, though we try not to train in the extremes of these conditions. Depending on the time of year and weather, we have several places we train.

Matthew conducts his training with dignity and respect for others based on his Christian beliefs. He does not judge others but welcomes anyone with a good heart and a sincere desire to learn, regardless of their beliefs.