Contacting the Dojo

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Our Email & Phone Number


(423) 883-5960

If you decide to call or email, please give us your first and last name, a phone number, and a short message as to the reason for the contact. Please ensure we receive this information or we will not be able to return your inquiry. We prefer to be emailed first, but please allow time for us to respond as we do have day jobs and personal lives. Be aware that this is an art that takes many years to begin to understand and cannot be adequately grasped in a few short months.

If you are unfamiliar with the art, please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the guidelines for participation by visiting the main webpage:

More Pilosophy

The training hall does not make the Dojo, and it is not in and of itself the Dojo. Wherever we are, be it inside a building, or out in the sunshine, wherever our members are training, there is the Dojo. The Dojo is a time and place for its members to train in Budo. It has members and friends that form long time friendships. Our Dojo has several members and one member does not make the whole, nor does the whole ignore the one. The blackbelt does not make the school, the group does, therefore, in helping each other, we help ourselves.